A second Trump presidency would be even more harmful than the first — thanks to Project 2025. Project 2025 is an extreme takeover plan by Trump and his MAGA loyalists that rolls back Americans’ rights and freedoms, hurts the middle class, and undermines our democracy by giving Trump power like no president has ever had over your daily life. Trump is willing to tell any lie in his quest for power, but the truth is Project 2025 was written for him, by those closest to him.
Project 2025 should scare every single American. If you don’t know what it is, here’s a brief overview:

  • Guts checks and balances to give Trump total power to use the presidency for revenge and retribution and be a dictator on “day one.”
  • Consolidates power in the Oval Office and defunds government agencies like the Department of Education.
  • Bans abortion nationwide and punishes women who get an abortion.
  • Raises taxes for the middle class while giving handouts to billionaire donors.
  • Trump’s conservative Supreme Court has already given him a blank check to do virtually whatever he wants with no regard for the rule of law. If he wins, there is no question Trump will use it to pass his Project 2025 agenda.