Get Involved

Become a Member of the Democratic Executive Committee
of Indian River County (DEC)!

The easiest way to become a DEC member is to fill one of the empty precinct seats. Inform the Chair or a member of the DEC of your interest, and you will be provided an application for membership. Simply fill out the application and return it along with a signed loyalty oath. At the earliest DEC meeting, your application will be voted on by the existing members. Upon their approval, you will become a DEC member.

Ready to get involved?

DEC Member Opportunities

Precinct Representative

The core of the DEC membership consists of ordinary citizens who care about Democratic ideals and the Democratic Party. Each of the 37 voting precincts in Indian River County shall elect a male and female representative to the DEC.

This election occurs during the primary in each Presidential election year. If there are vacancies, the Chair may make appointments to fill those seats.

Precinct members serve for four years and their term expires immediately prior to the organizational meeting every four years.

Democratic Elected Officials

All Democrats who are elected officials (other than judges) and who are elected countywide are automatic members.

Democratic elected officials from the municipalities may become members if they request that status, are nominated by the Chair, and are approved by the DEC membership.

Presidents of Democratic Clubs

These presidents of duly chartered Democratic clubs are automatic members of the DEC.

Democratic Party Officers

The officers of the Democratic Party at the county, state and national levels are “Special At-large members” of the DEC if they request, at any time after their election, to be granted this status.

Appointed Member

Appointed Members to the DEC can include an additional ten percent of the DEC membership.  These members are appointed by the DEC chair and approved by a majority of the DEC membership.  They are registered Democrats residing in Indian River County and serve in an “at-large” position, enjoying all the rights and responsibilities of DEC membership, except holding office.  Members are appointed to the DEC if there is a need for political, economic, or minority balance.

Appointed, at-large terms are for one year only, and expire immediately prior to the organizational meeting every four years.

Ways that Members can Serve Our Party

The strength of the DEC depends on the loyalty, dedication, and hard work of its members. Here are important ways you can contribute to the DEC and help build our Party.

DEC Meetings

At meetings, you will learn everything that is going on in the Democratic Party of Indian River County. You will meet other DEC members, have the opportunity to participate in the direction of the Party, and learn about issues of importance to our community.

Monthly DEC Meetings 6:00 p.m.

Vero Beach, FL 32960

Serve on Committees

Much of our work is performed by our committees, which convene between DEC meetings to work on various projects and conduct business.

Each DEC member is encouraged to serve on at least one DEC Committee, and more if time permits.

Tell the Chair of your interest in a particular committee, and you will likely be appointed as a member. Most committees may include up to 25% non-DEC members.

List of all Committees 


Our volunteer organization is at the heart of our ability to make Democratic change happen in Indian River County. We are running a grassroots campaign to rebuild leadership from the bottom up.

We are going to need every Democrat in Indian River County, including YOU to make this happen. Help us talk to your neighbors by knocking doors, making calls and get our voices heard.

Fill out our Volunteer Form 


Fundraising is an important part of a successful campaign, and helping to raise money for the DEC can provide valuable experience as well as help build the party.  Fundraisers may be held separately or in conjunction with other DEC members.

Join a Democratic Club or Caucus

Clubs and caucuses enable Democrats to help further the goals of the Party on a local level. There are numerous clubs and caucuses in the County, organized by geographic area and affinity groups. If their is a group you do not see, consider starting one!

Democratic Women’s Club

Democratic Club of Indian River

Florida Young Democrats of Indian River County


People are the backbone of the Democratic Party. Our mission impels us to promote democratic principles and work on behalf of working families.  We will work together more effectively to get out the vote and elect democratic candidates if we know each other well.

We all must make a concerted, continuing effort to get to know other members of the DEC by coming early to meetings, communicating by e-mail and phone, and by attending DEC functions.

See the monthly calendar