A 20-ft inflatable IUD will be traveling the state this week to showcase Rick Scott’s recent vote against bipartisan legislation to protect access to contraception. Last week, Scott went even further – voting against legislation to protect IVF treatment.

Rick Scott is fully behind Florida’s abortion ban and will continue his dangerous push to rip away women’s rights to make their own personal medical decisions. Rick Scott said himself, “If I was the sitting governor, and the six-week abortion ban came in front of me, I would sign it. I’ve always said I would sign it.”

Rick Scott’s self-serving agenda would be a disaster for working families. His plan would put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block and raise taxes on 40 percent of Floridians, including working families and active duty military personnel. Scott’s plan to end Social Security and Medicare is so toxic, even Mitch McConnell calls it a “bad idea.”

This November, we have the opportunity to flip Scott’s seat BLUE. Check your voter registration status today at voteindianriver.gov and request your mail-in-ballot. The USPS will NOT forward ballots.