Statement by DWC President on Anti-Choice Supreme Court Ruling

Five members of the US Supreme Court defiled the Spirit of the Court, known for putting personal rights forefront in all decision making. They buried their heads in the sand rather than hold a full briefing and hear arguments against a Texas law that was obviously unconstitutional and designed to prohibit women from exercising their right of choice over their own bodies. The Court’s conservative majority ruled 5-4 to deny an emergency appeal to abortion providers and allowed the unconstitutional law to go into effect.


The Texas law, which went into effect Wednesday morning, prohibits abortion after six weeks, with no exceptions for rape or incest. Most women are not able to confirm their pregnancy before the six-week mark ― long before any pregnancy is considered viable.


The law also places enforcement into the hands of citizens and neighbors. Usually, abortion restrictions are enforced by officials like a state’s attorney general, who then become the target of legal challenges. Under the Texas law, however, any private citizen is to be rewarded with a bounty of at least $10,000 for winning a lawsuit against someone who helps a person get an abortion after six weeks.


Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan, who all wrote about the unconstitutionality of the Texas law, were joined by Chief Justice John Roberts who said the Texas law should at least be put on hold while the court took the time to evaluate the claims on both sides, citing the high stakes involved for individual women.


This law is so outrageous that perhaps Republican legislatures are looking for something that will distract the press from high numbers of people dying from Covid and anti-masking mandates or the January 6th insurrection.


We will not be distracted and we will not be silent.


Texas and the Supreme Court just added another major grievance in the Republican War on Women. You can bet the Republicans in the Florida Legislature are moving in the same direction.


The DWCF is recommending that you attend the following events:


Wednesday, September 8th, Noon/est
State of Abortion Rally & Call to Action w/Rep. Anna Eskamani:
With the recent passage of Texas’ anti-abortion law and growing anti-abortion extremism in Florida, join us for a call to discuss the State of Abortion in Florida and next steps we should be taking. Also, stay on as we take part in the call to action, immediately following the conversation with Rep. Eskamani. Use the link to below to register
Friday September 17th
Democratic Women all over the nation are going to visit, picket , or protest at their local Senator or or US congressional member’s office. Please join in that effort and wear clothing to identify yourself as a DWCF member.
Thank you!
Patty Farley, President
Democratic Women’s Club of Florida