Guidance on Democrats of Indian River Activities

The Corona virus is a serious health risk to our community, our State, and our nation. ย As a result, and in line with decisions made by the Florida Democratic Party and fellow DECs in the State, ย all meetings at the Democrats of Indian River headquarters’ facility are canceled until further notice. ย We need to minimize the traffic in our office for the health and welfare of our fellow Democrats. ย If you have to come to the office, please coordinate with Stacey. ย  This is a work in progress.

We must be prudent in the days and months ahead. ย That said, the March 19th DEC Meeting ย will NOT be held at the Vero Beach Community Center. ย It will take place as a virtual conference. ย DEC members, please contact Stacey at 772.226.5267 if you did not receive your call-in instructions via email.

See the latest official information on COVID-19 cases in Floridaย here.

Stay well!