In just over two weeks, women across Florida will face one of the nation’s harshest abortion restrictions. On May 1st, Florida’s stringent 6-week abortion ban will take effect, following a Supreme Court decision upholding the law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis. The ban’s severity is such that many women aren’t even aware of their pregnancy at six weeks.

Yet, this ban stands in stark contrast to the sentiments of the majority of Floridians. Recent polls indicate that over 67% of residents support maintaining access to abortion services. Over the weekend, USA TODAY/Ipsos released polling on Amendment 4, showing 50% support for Amendment 4 and 16% undecided. The poll also surveyed voters on plans to turnout, with 67% Democrats planning to vote in November compared to 80% of Republicans.

With moderate Republicans protesting in double digits and non-party affiliated voters breaking for Democrats in recent elections, it’s evident that voters are rejecting extremism. Similar patterns were seen earlier this year when Democrat Tom Keen won his election in HD-35 because nearly 70% of the NPA vote rejected the Trump Republican running against him.

Polls are not predictive, and it’s too early in the race to make assumptions about turnout or support for ballot initiatives. However, it’s crucial to continue engagement efforts and ensure that voices are heard in November. Stay informed and engaged as we navigate this critical juncture in Florida’s reproductive rights landscape. Together, we can uphold the values of autonomy and bodily integrity for all.

Florida is the battleground for all of our rights and freedoms, with voters serving as the last line of defense. Between now and November, Florida Democrats are organizing every weekend to register voters and re-enroll Democrats in vote-by-mail to get out the vote in November.

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