Expired Vote-by-Mail Ballot Request Notice


If you plan to vote-by-mail in upcoming elections, please be sure you have a valid request on file with the Indian River County Supervisor of Elections. ย Vote by Mail Coordinator, Daisy Zamora, and election staff prepared and mailed over 5,600 notices to voters whose vote-by-mail requests have expired.

If voters would like to check the status of their mail ballot request or would like to request ballots for future elections,ย information is available on the Elections Office website atย VoteIndianRiver.comย or by contacting the Elections Office ย at (772) 226-3440,ย Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5:00pm. ย All voted ballots must be received by the Supervisor of Elections office no later than 7:00 pm on Election Day.

Any registered voter may request a mail ballot as an alternative to voting at the polls.