Florida Democrats Reach 8 Million Voters inย 2018

September 18, 2018

Today, the Florida Democratic Party announced it has reached over 8 million voters in the 2018 election cycle. After their most recent weekend of action, Democrats have knocked on 2 million doors, made more than 3.8 million phone calls, and held 2.2 million text conversations.

“Our candidates are offering a bold vision for Florida’s future, and we are taking that message to voters in every corner of Florida,” said FDP Chair Terrie Rizzo. “The Florida Democratic Party is using new data, technology, and boots on the ground to register new voters, sign people up for vote-by-mail, and communicate our Party’s commitment to strengthening public education, creating more jobs that pay people what they are worth, and reversing course on what 20-years of Republican rule has done to our most valuable natural resources, our water, beaches and natural treasures.”

Democrats have been working for months to harness the enthusiasm of grassroots progressives and the announcement comes after back-to-back weekends of action for the Florida Democratic Party’s Winning Ticket where thousands of volunteers donated time and resources to knock on doors, make phone calls and register voters in preparation of a blue wave in November.


Contact: Caroline Rowland