Betsy DeVos Bullying Schools to Open


Today, ahead of Secretary of Education Betsy DeVosโ€™ closed door virtual event to speak with the Tampa and Orlando chapters of the Federalist Society, Orlando County Classroom Teachers Association president Wendy Doromal is speaking out against Trump administrationโ€™s failure to put students, teachers, and familiesโ€™ safety first and its threats to withhold federal funding from schools that donโ€™t reopen fully.

Wendy Doromal, President of the Orange County Classroom Teachers Association:

โ€œDonald Trump and Betsy DeVos are trying to bully schools into reopening without any regard to teacher or student safety. We all desperately want to return to the classroom, but Trump and Ron DeSantis have failed to create the conditions necessary to do so as the coronavirus runs rampant in our community.

โ€œOrlandoโ€™s educators and parents must be heard on this critical issue, but Secretary DeVos clearly doesnโ€™t want to listen — sheโ€™d rather speak at closed door events where voters canโ€™t question these reckless decisions.โ€

Last week, the Florida Education Association, the stateโ€™s largest teachers union, filed a lawsuit against Governor Ron DeSantis and the state to โ€œstop the reckless and unsafe reopening of public school campuses as coronavirus infections surge statewide.โ€

In sharp contrast, Joe Biden has a plan to reopen schools safely by getting the virus under control, setting national safety guidelines while empowering local districts, and providing emergency funding for schools and child care providers.