Category Archives: DEC News

May is Mental Health Month

Recognizing Mental Health Month in Indian River County The Indian River County Board of Commissioners declared May as Mental Health Awareness Month.  According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, ...

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Indian River County Democrats Get a Jumpstart on 2018 Campaign

Indian River County Democrats Get a Jumpstart on 2018 Campaign Vero Beach, FL, April 27, 2017– Today, the Democrats of Indian River County kicked off their efforts for the 2018 ...

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Grandma D event

Go Granny D

Social Activist “Granny D” is Coming to Vero Beach Have you heard of Granny D? Her real name was Doris Haddock. She was a New Hampshire woman who walked across ...

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Stop the Pipeline poster

Sabal Trail Pipeline Resolution – Summary of the Vote

Democrats of Indian River Adopt Sabal Trail Pipeline Resolution by Heather Mitts On Thursday evening, Patrick Zagorski and I presented a resolution about the Sabal Trail pipeline to the Democratic ...

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Platic Ocean Movie Screening Vero beach Florida

Film Screening in Celebration of Earth Day

A Plastic Ocean film screening In celebration of Earth Day, the Indian River Democrats held a screening of the film, A Plastic Ocean, at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on April 20, 2017. ...

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letter to the editor image

It’s Trump against the press

It’s Trump against the press, and against a precious freedom published in the TCPalm, February 24, 2017 On Presidents’ Day, 2017, I reflected on the wise words of former Presidential ...

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Parenting in the Age of Trump

Parenting in the Age of Trump Given the current state of our country’s politics, and the leaders we have chosen (yes, “we” – we’re all in this together), I’ve found ...

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Democrats of indian River County Home Page

The Indian River Lagoon is Important to Us All

Indian River County – The Indian River Lagoon Saving the Indian River Lagoon is critical for the citizens of Indian River County. We depend on a healthy lagoon for our ...

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The Sabal Trail Pipeline Resolution

Resolution voted on by the DEC membership April 20, 2017 WHEREAS, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), in response to Docket CP15-17-000, granted Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC the rights to ...

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Young Democrats Sponsor Successful Countywide Listening Session

Young Democrats Sponsor Successful Countywide Listening Session About one hundred of Indian River County’s citizens gathered last evening with their elected officials at a countywide listening session held at the ...

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