Grumpy Me, Cautiously Optimistic

Iโ€™m actually not so grumpy today and Iโ€™m feeling good about the progress we have made so far.ย ย In Florida and all across the country, enthusiasm from Democrats is running high with huge turnouts in many battleground states. We continue to see record-breaking donations to the Biden/Harris Campaign. More thanย ย 2.4 million Democrats have voted in-person or by mail in the Florida general election so far, compared to 2 million Republicans.ย ย Here in Indian River County, more than half of registered Democrats have voted.

We must keep the pressure on โ€“ we need 100 percent participation by registered Democrats in our county.ย ย If you have a vote by mail ballot out, get it in now, preferably by taking it in person toย ย the Supervisor of Elections office.ย ย If you can vote early, do so. You have until October 31st, but do it today. Letโ€™s stockpile these votes and beat the crush of Republican voters expected on Election Day.

And, please, vote for me, Albert Griffiths, to represent you in the Florida Legislature.ย ย Letโ€™s make it a Blue Tsunami!